New Release!
Do you know the immediate steps you should take when someone you love dies? The emotions of dealing with the death of a loved one can be exacerbated by the wide range of decisions you are suddenly expected to make. If you’re like most people, you don’t have experience to fall back on, you don’t know who to turn to or what questions to ask, and there is little time to research the facts.
When Someone You Love Dies, What’s Next? provides dozens of simple tips and suggestions for dealing with funeral homes, planning a funeral or memorial service, handling wills and probate, filing for life insurance, closing accounts, memberships, and more.
Author Susan Rutledge has over 30 years of ministry experience walking alongside families dealing with death and its aftermath. In this easy-to-read guide, her firsthand knowledge offers some of the most basic information needed to face the hours, days and weeks following a death.
Available in Paperback and eBook. Purchase HERE
Other Books by Susan Rutledge
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