Parent’s Fruit Of the Spirit Prayer
by Susan Rutledge
A Prayer for the Gifts of the Spirit Listed in Galatians 5:22 & 23
Heavenly Father, Your love is beyond wonderful, that You would send Your Son to take the punishment for my sins. Your love is the same yesterday, today and forever. Help me pass that same unconditional love on to my children every day and every hour, no matter how tired and frustrated I may be.
When I am weak, I pray Your joy would be my strength. And by my countenance, may my children long to be filled with Your joy as well.
Fill my heart and our home with Your peace. A peace that passes all understanding. A peace that quiets my fears of being inadequate as a mother and a wife. A peace that calms the storms of life and allows me to drink in your presence.
Such patience you have shown me day after day, year after year, when I put so many other things ahead of you. Grant my request to become patient like You with my children, for it is only right I treat them as You are treating me.
Kindness like Yours, I’ve never known. Kindness to wait patiently for me when I put so many other things before you. Kindness to give me a million chances to get things right. Lord, let Your kindness flow through me to the children you’ve placed in my trust and may that kindness help them feel how valuable they are to me and to You.
Goodness follows You Lord, for You are holy. You have brought so much goodness into my life. I dare not keep it all to myself. Let my children know Your goodness and desire to walk with You, too.
I am nothing God, without Your faithfulness to carry me when I’m unable to walk on my own. I, in turn, pledge to be faithful to you. To walk in Your light. To live for Your glory. To be the mother You’ve called me to be.
May Your gentleness be evident as I mold and shepherd my children in the way they should go, ever mindful of how vulnerable and precious they are.
And Lord, above all, I ask for Your gift of self-control to guard my tongue and my actions so my words won’t tear away at the self-esteem of my children and fill them with anger. In all that I do, may my words and my actions always and forever point them to You. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.