Who Do You Call?

“The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the defense of my life; Whom shall I dread?”

Psalm 27:1 NIV

It was early January, and the kids were still out of school for Christmas break. Grant and I had to go back to work. Mid-afternoon one day, I received a frantic call from my oldest daughter, Gwen, telling me I had to come home immediately because the police were on the way to our house. Apparently sibling rivalry had run amuck with no parents at home to referee our two preteen girls, and a great shouting match had erupted. Drew, having just learned how to handle emergencies, did what any concerned 5-year-old might do. He called 9-1-1 and said, “Help! My sisters are fighting!” And then he hung up.

Unfortunately for Gwen and Shannon, the Abilene Police Department had caller ID and they immediately called back to assess the problem. Gwen’s quick hang-up was probably not the best response to make. Needless to say, we were properly embarrassed when our house was listed in the Abilene Reporter News police notes as “Call for domestic violence”.

The fact is, life gives us plenty of reasons to need someone we can call on for help — and 9-1-1 won’t be the answer. Our children need to know we are a safe and trustworthy sounding board for them. When they are hurt or afraid, those feelings are their reality and must be respected and taken seriously. If we dismiss their fears, criticize them, or even worse…ridicule them, we are not the protectors they need us to be.

Listen to your child. Never make fun of their thoughts or concerns. Walk alongside them through their “crisis”, and help them find ways to solve their problem. Pray with them and teach them to pray for themselves. Remind them God will always be with them, even when you can’t be.

PrayerGod, I am so grateful! You are a BIG God and You watch over my children even when I’m not around. I ask You to keep them free from fear and help them trust in You for their protection. Help me be a trustworthy confidante for them, always listening and never judgmental. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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